Fall 2020

Fall could possibly be my favourite season in Canada. The clear blue skies in September, followed by a month of spectacular colour as the temperature drops. By November, the skies have turned grey and that all-too-familiar Vancouver rain returns.

This particular Fall was as colourful as the season around us. In September, we bought a TV (may seem insignificant, but we’ve never owned a TV as adults!) and began viewing apartments for a possible move.
In October, we viewed an apartment we loved, applied for it, and was approved with a lease signed within 24 hours. To top off an eventful month, our Aussie friends announced their pregnancy to us over Thanksgiving lunch ❤️

In November, we settled into our new home, took way too many photos of the new view, and enjoyed our proximity to nearby restaurants. We managed to cram a lot into this season and it was probably for the best.. because by mid November, BC saw a rise in covid cases. Unfortunately this meant increased social restrictions. That aside, this Fall season was a rather special one especially given the year this has been.

Moments, BirthdayKIMICanada